The renovation/expansion of the Laboratory Schools supports expansion of the Laboratory Schools from 1750 to 2050 students. New construction included an early childhood education unit and enhanced space for performing and visual arts. Renovations provided reorganized space for libraries, collaborative teaching and counseling, and faculty and administration offices, as well as improved life/safety systems, accessibility, sustainability and infrastructure. The plan resulted in the renovation of approximately 315,000 gross square feet and the construction of approximately 246,000 gross square feet, including an 115,000 gross square foot Arts Hall on the Belfield Hall site and 131,000 gross square foot Earl Shapiro Hall at 5800 Stony Island Avenue. The project consisted of three phases: Earl Shapiro Hall, Phase 1; renovations of the existing campus,Phase 2; and construction of a new Arts Hall, Phase 3. These three phases are classified as one project.
Project Team
- Project Manager: David Stuercke
- Architect: FGM/Valerio Dewalt Train Associates
- Construction Manager: Lend Lease
- Project Contact: David Stuercke
Past Milestones:
- June 2010: Basic project design and phasing plan developed.
- November 2011: Construction began for Earl Shapiro Hall.
- Summer 2013: Renovation work began at existing Lab Schools campus.
- Fall 2013: Earl Shapiro Hall construction completed. Classes began.

View of Earl Shapiro Hall from Stony Island Avenue.



Interior corridor.
