The University of Chicago has built a new High Bay Research Building for physical sciences research and large-scale device fabrication at the southwest corner of 56th Street and Maryland Avenue. The building consists of two parallel high bays (running north/south) at 50’ wide each, with the main entrance, support space, conference area, and toilet facilities at the northeast corner of the building. The high bays are sized such that they will be able to handle multiple research projects at a time. One of the identifying characteristics of the building is four large roof clerestory windows giving the roof a saw-tooth appearance. The building also includes an enclosed truck loading dock at the southwest corner with access from Cottage Grove Avenue. Each high bay includes 30-ton and 5-ton cranes that will operate over the entire length of the building and will have a maximum hook height of 25’. The 45’ tall building structure will be steel with a precast and glass envelope. The entire building is heated and cooled with locally generated hot and cold water distributed around the perimeter of the building. This allows for specific and localized control of temperature levels in work areas.
Project Team
Design/Build Lead:
Klein Construction, Lemont, Illinois
Project Executive: Wayne Klein
Project Manager: Brandon Martin
Project Superintendent: Dan Zboncak
Architect Partner:
Architrave, Ltd, Chicago, Illinois
Project Executive: Ruben Gil
Project Manager: Max Riordan
- Construction start is Fall 2020
- Completed Spring 2022

High Bay 1

High Bay 2

High Bay 3

High Bay 4

High Bay 5