The Facility Standards or FS² document is a performance-based guideline developed to ensure that each project meets the following goals: enrich the identity and purpose of the University, learn from our past while being open to a rigorous exploration of new ideas, insert operational requirements at design inception, respond to the best interests of each particular project and promote design excellence.
View or download The University of Chicago Facility Standards (FS2) here
The Facilities Services Facility Standards (FS2) is a living document which is subject to change. Please refer to the latest version of the document in accordance with Exhibit C of the contract agreements.
Application Process for Certain Building Permits within a Planned Development
Asset Management Form Template
FS2 Campus Planning + Sustainability Checklist (Excel; PDF)
General Conditions of the Construction Agreement
OPS Turnover Checklist (Closeout Matrix - Excel)
Sustainability Checklist for Small Projects (Excel; PDF)
UChicago Permitting Process (Memo; Process Presentation; AE Communication)