Facilities Services human resources team has participated in a series of career fairs hosted in neighboring south-side communities. This winter, the team along with Facilities Services (FS) operations staff, met and spoke with core construction and construction craft laborers at Progressive Leadership Academy (PLA). PLA, (formerly Charles Houston High School) located at 6620 S. King Drive, in the West Woodlawn neighborhood offers opportunities to get back on track by completing classes needed to get a high school diploma.
More recently, this spring, Human Resources Generalist, Adrian Perkins, represented FS at the Chicago Urban League’s job fair in the Bronzeville neighborhood. Incorporated in 1917, the diverse group of organizers included UChicago Professor of Sociology, Robert E. Park. Known for preparing individuals for work at all levels in an ever-changing economy, developing engaged citizens, and building strong families, Chicago Urban League had representation not only from FS, but also from UChicago Dining at the job fair in March.
Despite the dramatic increase in employees working remotely from home because of COVID-19, approximately 160 job seekers attended the event. Those who Perkins met with showed great interest in the in-person pre-apprenticeship program as well as building maintenance worker positions. To learn more about these and other open positions at the University, visit https://www.uchicago.edu/jobs/.