This section of the Project Delivery Guide is intended to outline The University of Chicago's permitting process. Due to the high volume of projects UChicago (University, Medical Center, Biological Sciences Division, and Commercial Real Estate) has under review, we have established a system with the City of Chicago’s Department of Buildings (DOB) and the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) to monitor the progress of our permits. The University has a dedicated point of contact at the City and monthly meetings to present new projects, discuss potential issues, and track the progress of previously submitted projects. This is facilitated through our Office of Civic Engagement (OCE) and the Facilities Services Capital Project Delivery (CPD) Permit Liaison. We recognize our process is unique, but the University values the support from the City of Chicago and has committed to this process to continue that partnership. Your support and participation are essential to our continued success. The three (3) attached documents outline the process regarding communication protocols, flow diagram, responsibility matrix, and detailed notes.

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UChicagoSocial: Facilities Services