UChicago Heritage Map Instructions
The UChicago Heritage Map allows easy access to heritage information about University facilities for scholars, students, faculty and community to understand our physical campus and to fully understand its cultural, historical, stewardship and social importance to the University of Chicago. We support participation in this endeavor by encouraging users to leave anecdotal or other feedback through our interactive Heritage Map.
1. Select a map that contains the desired area of campus as listed below:
2. Click on a building to see the summary text and an image.
3. Click the “Learn More” link to open the building’s heritage data sheet in PDF format. (These are available only for buildings that have been surveyed for heritage data, as shown blue in the color-coded legend.) Additionally, buildings highlighted in red include links to feature articles about significant spaces within the building.
4. To send comments, click the link near the top of the data sheet that reads, “If you have comments, send additional information." Type comments in the body of the automated e-mail and send. Comments may include suggestions for amendments, however, facts and suggested corrections should be accompanied by including sources or references to supporting information. We will review submissions when making project or planning decisions about the specific building.