Facility Standards
The Facility Standards or FS² document is a performance-based guideline developed to ensure that each project meets the following goals: enrich the identity and purpose of the University, learn from our past while being open to rigorous exploration of new ideas, insert operational requirements at design inception, respond to the best interests of each particular project and promote design excellence.
Economic Impact Program
The University has a strong commitment to the consideration and use of certified Minority Business Enterprises, Women-Owned Business Enterprises, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (M/W/DBE) to the greatest extent possible, consistent with University procedures and guidelines. As a community partner, we embrace an ongoing dialogue to ensure positive involvement with the community.
The Economic Impact unit is responsible for contract compliance functions and for cultivating new vendors for Facilities Services. The unit works closely with Procurement and campus project teams; networks extensively with vendors, community-based organizations, and trade organizations to expand the University vendor pool; and ensures that certified M/W/DBE firms are considered in all University solicitation and contracting opportunities. There are established participation goals of 35 percent certified MBE/DBE participation and 6 percent certified WBE participation. We strongly encourage our vendors to apply these percentage goals to all subcontracting tiers, suppliers, and consultants hired or retained by the vendor in performance of any work for Facilities Services. Successful projects include exceeding participation targets.
For a current update on the impact of the capital program of the University of Chicago, visit https://ici.uchicago.edu/reports/.
The Procurement Process
The Procurement unit is the Local Business Center for Facilities Services. The primary purpose of the unit is to provide guidance and compliance review services to all Facilities Services units, as well as other units outside Facilities who are involved in operations, building and grounds maintenance, and capital improvements to the University. The Procurement unit facilitates, approves, and processes all external purchase requests from Facilities Services employees, including commodities, professional services, and construction contracts.
Procurement professionals use a variety of competitive methods to acquire goods and services. We partner closely with our clients to get the best overall value for the University. Listed below are some of the processes that are used to acquire goods and services:
Invitation to Bid (ITB)
In seeking the highest value for the University, we look at submitted price, as well as responsiveness of bidders, on specified goods and services.
Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
Contract award for RFPs and RFQs is not solely based on price. Other factors include:
- qualifications and experience of principals and staff
- past performance
- methodology and management approach
- technical approach
- proposed project team
- financial stability
Vendors interested in consideration for future projects should submit a one-page executive summary highlighting the capabilities of your firm. This summary will be added to our database for future reference as we consider firms for opportunities. For inclusion, send these materials to:
Roslyn Johnson
University of Chicago
5235 S. Harper Ct., suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60615