We are Facilities Services

A poem by Tiffany Grant

We are a diverse people with many talents and skills

We are experts with hammers, screw-drivers and drills

We are smart, intelligent and bright

Sometimes we miss the mark, but more often we get it right

We are collaborators, impactors, and game-changers

We work safely and steer away from dangers

We are sensitive and aware so we give

That others may have a better way to live

We are essential, important and we matter

Whether on top or bottom, we have a place on the ladder

We are project workers but we are our greatest project

Constantly growing, developing and enhancing our intellect

We are conceptualizers, analyzers and realizers on a mission

We are interdependent on one another’s role and position

We are forward thinkers with visions and dreams

We are four units and many sub-groups but we are one team

We are Facilities Services!

How Do I?

UChicagoSocial: Facilities Services